I am a mentor and supervisor approved by the FSP, SSTCC, ASPCO, EABCT, and I opened my practice in 1997. I offer consultations in French, English and Swedish. Depending on the contract, the therapeutic services will be reimbursed by your supplementary insurance.
After obtaining a Masters in Psychology at the University of Lausanne in 1990, I worked for many years as a psychologist at the psychiatric hospital in Marsens (Fribourg Cantonal Psychiatric Hospital), where I trained in psychodiagnosis (assessments by means of psychological tests based on psychoanalysis) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). There I carried out psychological tests and hospital and outpatient therapies. Another part of my work involved conducting assertiveness training groups and social skills groups.
My basic training in cognitive behavioural therapy (SSTCC, ASPCO, AFTCC) was supplemented by systemic therapy input (called family therapy) at the Palo Alto Institute in Liège, Belgium.
I obtained a university degree (DU) in cognitive behavioural therapy at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France in 1994, as well as the titles psychotherapist SSTCC and psychotherapist FSP in 1996.
When I opened my practice in 1997, I also worked as a mentor and supervisor in the CBT approach in the academic and vocational guidance (OSP) department at the University of Lausanne, as well as a consultant mentor and supervisor in the rehabilitation department at the psychiatric hospital in Marsens. Similarly, I have stepped in as institutional supervisor at various different institutions on an ad hoc basis.
In conjunction with my psychotherapeutic practice, I have also undertaken a number of authorised criminal expert reports and AI expert reports.
For a long time I wrote monthly articles aimed at the general public for a health magazine on the education of children based on the principles of CBT.
Around ten years ago, I began to specialise more in relational disorders, specifically the issues of toxic relationships through manipulation (narcissistic perversion) and its consequences.
Also, for around ten years, I have been specialising in schema therapy.
Through my status as a mentor and supervisor, I continue to take part in postgraduate training in order to be able to apply the latest developments.
Currently, I divide my time between:
≈ coaching for individuals or authorised by companies
≈ therapies
≈ training and supervision of psychologists and psychiatrists in cognitive behavioural therapy training
≈ briefly stepping in on an ad hoc basis as an associate in an employees assistance programme - EAP) faced with acute problems
≈ team interventions at companies or institutions
Anna Assef - Vaziri Dipl. Psych., Psychologist specialising in psychotherapy FSP in TCC, Psychotherapist SSTCC.
Chemin des plateires 9B
Useful Links
FSP - Fédération Suisse des Psychologues
AVP - Association Vaudoise des Psychologues
SSTCC - Société Suisse de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive
ASPCO - Association Suisse de Psychothérapie Cognitive
AFTCC - Association Français de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive
EABCT - European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapie